a Sunday Bike Ride

First I saw a coyote as I headed down to the water

IMG_8198It was a breezy sunny day ~ so clear

IMG_8199Vancouver has gone gaga for Bike lanes

I appreciate them now …..

IMG_8200Everyone was out with their favourite mode of travel

IMG_8202People from all over the world full ~ so festive & colourfulIMG_8208The bike path cuts right by people eating fish and chips IMG_8210I made my deliveries, more Owls

IMG_8213and had to feast my eyes in my favourite shop

I can’t keep awayIMG_8217~ and this is for Lu ~

IMG_8218After such a long ride, I treated myself to a yummy coffee ice cream and watched the boats come and go. A sea gull came swooping down and stole someone’s sandwich right out of her hand near by, I know what that feels like!IMG_8220Fresh peaches ready to go to market

IMG_8223and so much wild Salmon this yearIMG_8224I passed the huge driftwood sculptures on my way home

This old twisted log has many memories, I see a whale’s eye … it looks sad

IMG_8231After a long Sunday swim and stretch, he’ll be ready for work on Monday.

He will have this to remember all week

imageedit_26_3771137159Half way up the long hillIMG_8243I’m almost Home

2 thoughts on “a Sunday Bike Ride

  1. Thank you, Nancy! What a lovely day you had…thanks for all your help in the morning!

    Take a look at the site….!

    Sent from my iPad

