a little knitting project

I do have a knitting blog and I am blogging about this little project over there but there is
so much colour, challenge and fun, it has earned a place here in my nws blog ~
it is about folk art, sculpture, colour, construction, materials, creating
Here she is ~ The Lidiya knitted dress
(designed by knitting artist Kaffe Fassett)
Lidiya_web_cov_medium2and this is the 100 row pattern. Yes, you read it right, One Hundred Row Pattern!
IMG_9962Needless to say there was much sorting out, planning, strategizing and practicing.
It felt like I was preparing for a long … long … journey, which I was.
~ a Scenic Journey ~

Finally I just had to dig in and start even though I didn’t feel ready
I was pretty intimidated, ok, Scared! (you saw that pattern!)

Once I jumped in, I was Totally sucked into the Lidiya Dress Vortex
IMG_9959It is Screamingly engaging!
IMG_9960I am always knitting with 2 colours, and every 5 rows, 3 colours ~
that’s bit tricky but it has a rhythm to it
IMG_9961Every stitch speaks, I mean …

(I will be blogging this entire scenic route through color land here)

3 thoughts on “a little knitting project

  1. Pingback: more Lidiya Dress here | *knit 2 purl 2*
